The words of Big Bang (the episode one of the fifth season)

1.It’s not what it looks like.
2.what are you grinding about ?gring:碎碎念
3.brain teaser头脑风暴
4.she is disheveler.他衣衫不整
5.we can rule that out.我们可以排除这种可能。ou
6.that a ture blue friends goes without saying.
8.I got his back.我挺他啊!
9.It’s good enough for me.
10.rubbish!he’s talking rubbish.(rubbish:胡说) glasses should have handles.一醉解千愁。
12.I screwed up everything.我全搞砸了。
13.don’t be so hard on youself. jerk face.你这个不要脸的东西。
15.buck up!振作起来
16.logging off!下了
17.I have to stop kidding myself.我不能再自欺欺人了。
18.suck at: not good at

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